LSU Cru meets on Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Red River Room (room 323) on the 3rd floor in the Union for our weekly meeting and then head to Torchy’s for chips and queso after. We also meet all around campus in different locations and different times for our small groups. It is in the context of small groups that we believe community happens best.
Come check it out. We would love to meet you!
Please fill out this survey to get more connected with Cru. All of our small groups have GroupMe’s to join via our Linktree on our Instagram bio.
Greek Wide-bringing Greeks together
This is a time for all fraternity and sorority members to come together and discuss how FAITH and Greek Life intersect. Trust us—you’ll want to make this a part of your schedule! Follow us also on Instagram at lsugreekwide. If you are Greek and interested in helping us, please email Ali at [email protected].
If you are a Freshman Greek and want to be in one of our Freshmen Greek House Bible Studies, please fill out this survey! If you are an Upperclassman Greek and want to be in one of our Upperclass Greek Bible Studies, please fill out this survey!
The Impact Movement meets every Thursday night at 7:00 pm in the Student Union. Follow our Instagram for location details. Our mission is to equip black students to become disciples of Jesus Christ who integrate their faith into every aspect of life. Come join us as we continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord and each other.
Follow us on Instagram @LSUIMPACT for all the latest information.
Cru Small Groups:
Cru Large Group - Thursdays at 7pm in the Red River Room in the Union (3rd floor- room 323) We also go to Torchy’s for chips and queso after.
Cru Small Groups-
Wednesday Lunch Girls Bible Study (Upperclassmen) 12pm in the Union Caddo Room 305
Tuesday Lunch Freshman Girls Bible Study 12pm in the Union Caddo Room 305
Tuesday Evening Freshman Girls Bible Study 6:30pm in Blake Lobby
Tuesday Guys Bible Study at 5:00pm in Laville Hall
Tuesday Guys Bible Study at 8:30pm in Azalea Hall
Tuesday Guys Bible Study at 8:30pm in Spruce Hall
Wednesday Guys Bible Study at 7:00pm in East Hall
*All of our Bible Studies have GroupMe’s to join via our Linktree on our LSUCru instagram bio.
Greekwide Bible Studies:
Several Upperclassman Greek Bible Studies are happening. If you’d like to be contacted about being in one, please fill out this survey.
GREEK Girls Upperclassman Bible Study- Wednesdays at 4pm (off campus) Contact Ali- [email protected]
GREEK Girls Chi Omega Upperclassman Bible Study- Wednesdays at 7pm (off campus) Contact Ali- [email protected]
Several FRESHMEN Greek Bible Studies are happening all over campus, if you’d like to be contacted about being in one, please fill out this survey!
GREEK Girls Freshman Bible Study- Tuesdays at 3:00 in the Barataria Room of the Student Union. Contact Maddie- [email protected] or Lindsay- [email protected]
GREEK Girls Chi Omega Freshman Bible Study- Mondays at 4:30pm at the Chi O House. Contact Morgan- [email protected] or Maura- [email protected]
Conferences and Summer Missions
Summer Mission is typically a 6-8 week long time of living missionally with your peers. We go all over, stateside and internationally. LSU students typically go on the San Diego Summer Mission or the Greek Summit if you are planning to stay stateside. If you are looking to head overseas, be sure to check out our partnership with Italy!